Shipping Options
Bulk mail, also known as “USPS Marketing Mail” or “presorted”, offers reduced costs for large amounts of mail, and is cheaper than “single-piece mail”. Depending on your specific needs, commercial prices for USPS are available to businesses who are looking to send out various mailings to an abundance of addresses. These costs tend to be lower because some of the work is already done before the postal service gets involved. In order to implement commercial mailing, you have to obtain a mailing permit, pay an annual mailing fee, and pay for postage ahead of time. These steps can significantly reduce the cost of your mail if your business utilizes the USPS on a regular basis for bulk mailing.
To qualify for Bulk Business Mailing, you must have a minimum of:
- 500 pieces for First-Class Mail
- 200 pieces (or 50 lbs) for USPS Marketing Mail
- 50 pieces for Parcel Select
- 300 pieces for Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter
- 300 pieces for Library Mail
- 300 pieces for Media Mail