Whether your goal is to attract new leads, gain sales, increase web traffic, or spread awareness for a special event, direct mail marketing with postcards is an effective way of getting your message sent to your target audience. Postcard marketing is not only affordable, it’s a tangible item people are more likely to hold onto, and less likely to throw away.
Here are a few tips to help sell your products, services, and events faster.
A postcard is a teaser that persuades a person to call or contact you online. Choose buzzwords like ‘BOGO’ ‘Free’ or ‘70% Off’ to help prompt people to take action. Highlight these words so they stand out. Be sure to include your social media links and a QR code that links directly to your product page.
Your postcards, brochures, business cards, marketing materials, website, and social media artwork should all be within the same design and color theme.
Only use high-resolution images for all of your print marketing materials. The image you see on your screen will not look exactly the same as it does when it is printed. So, this step is very important. Always think high-resolution and not low-resolution.
Keep your background image as simple as possible. Avoid choosing too many colors and patterns. Otherwise, the postcard will appear too cluttered. Design is important, but the ultimate goal should be to compel people to take serious action (buy, call, subscribe, or register). Also, keep your text word-count to a minimum.
Don’t use a dark background with light-colored text that is difficult to read. Stick to one or two typography fonts.
Hiring a professional photographer and a graphic designer is highly recommended, because it will allow your brand to appear more unique and creative.
You may also use royalty-free stock photography as a last resort. Just make sure the artist allows for commercial use. Some sites may require you to pay an extra fee or to give artistic credit if you plan to use their photos for promotional purposes.
Are you ready to get started with your next direct mail campaign? At AmeriList Printing, we can assist you with getting your postcard designed professionally, and even distributed to your target audience once it’s printed. If you already have postcards designed, we can help you get them printed and distributed.
To get started, Contact Us today or give us a call at: 1-800-457-2899.
Let us help you make the most of your marketing budget, call today with your creative and print design challenges: 1.800.457.2899